Saturday, January 12, 2013

Bieber's Back

On Jan. 15, pandemonium will ensue. Shreeks, shrills, tears and smiles will be in abundance as  pop sensation Justin Bieber brings his sold-out Believe tour to the Crescent City. The Bieb,who sold out the New Orleans Arena in less than ten minutes, is bringing newcomer Carly Rae Jepsen, the artist behind the ear worm of the year, "Call Me Maybe" along for the ride.

The show starts at 7pm, but it's safe to say legions of Beliebers will descend upon the arena hours early to hear the heart throb perform some of his biggest hits, from "Baby" to "Boyfriend."

 If you don't have tickets yet, unfortunately you will not get to jam with the Bieb. Just turn off  your television and radio, the arena will be so loud, you'll probably be able o hear the happenings from miles away.

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